How LIGR and Interact Sport teamed up to provide TV quality production to grassroots cricket games all across Australia
Interact Sport Cricket Live Score App
The cricket clubs were responsible themselves
Rights Holder
Queensland Cricket
Output and Youtube
Graphics Workflow
LIGR into Cloudmix (Cloud Vision Mixer) Off-Site
Streaming Encoder
LiveU Solo
To allow amateur cricket cricket clubs to produce highly professional live streams, on a limited budget, with basically no understanding or prior knowledge of live streaming or broadcasting.
Each club was required to produce a clean live encoded video feed of the game. They were also required to score the game using the Interact Sport Cricket LiveScore application. It was also required that each team could input their own sponsors, and do all of this with minimal human resources to deploy.
By connecting to the Interact Sport LiveScore API, LIGR could allow clubs to choose a design and animation template for cricket, upload their sponsors and team assets with all match information pulled from the Interact API. We could then automatically overlay the entire graphics template across an entire game onto the video, with almost no human involvement, producing a professional, automatic live stream workflow for any cricket team that signed up to the solution.

“Live Graphic Systems offer a world-class product and service, and in a very short period of time we have successfully combined to deliver automated graphics driven by data and triggers captured through our match day scoring apps. ”