LIGR Concierge
The LIGR Concierge service is a digital assistant that provides personalized assistance to users of the LIGR.Live platform, designed to help users make the most of the platform.
Digital personalized assistance to make the most of LIGR.Live.
/ month
+$2,000 immersion workshop
Get Concierge
LIGR immersion workshop



5 hours

Monthly support and monitoring
Concierge Plus
Optimize LIGR tech, supporting live streaming and content with strategy and reporting.
/ month
+$2,000 immersion workshop
Get Concierge Plus
Everything from Concierge plan

20 hours

Optimise social media channels

Content deployment

Weekend clipping

Top-line reporting

Media strategy and support

Website audit

Website integration

Brand and collateral
Concierge Premium
Turbo charge your marketing functionality and transform content into opportunities.
/ month
+$2,000 immersion workshop
Get Concierge Premium
Everything from Concierge Plus

40 hours

Data analysis and reporting


Commercialisation reporting
Concierge Bespoke
Bespoke LIGR optimization for skill, support, expertise, and sport-specific marketing.
Let's Chat
+$2,000 immersion workshop
Speak with LIGR